Your Own Ebook Bussiness

A strange question I know, How Pop those groups fit inside my radio ...?
It's one of those questions that children sometimes ask -Basically because they have no knowledge of how the music coming out of the box!
They imagine that a miracle must have occurred - some magic spell which reduced all the singers in small few people living within the radius.
Is it a question you have asked for {!} Firstname_fix? Here's another question .... mystery
How do some people make hundreds per day online? Well, judging by the difficulty that some seem to think it - perhap no magic involved there too?
Here's the interesting thing, however {! }..... Firstname_fix Children do not stop at the magic for a long time that ?....Just watch and learn - grab the radio and push some buttons ....
And before you realize that they are 5 years of age and programming DVD Recorder Grandma! ... Lol
So why do we still think there is magic involved in making money online?We must be able to observe and learn - push a few buttons and making it as simple as a child learnsThe technology today?
Do you think that sometimes can only complicate?
John Thornhill does!He has a system that guarantees that if you follow step by Step, using all the tools it offers, products,templates, website, guidance and counseling, video tutorials and a host of other "right information".
You too can become an eBay PowerSeller in 90 days start earning a full time living online as you do {!} firstname_fix!
Here's the thing {!} Firstname_fix, as adults we think sometimes over analyze everything - we want to know how radio waves travel through the air and why there different frequencies and bandwidths, the number of bits and parts inside the radio to convert the "waves" of new something we hear as music, etc. .....
When instead it should focus only on what button push to get the kind of music you want ... the rest can comelater.
Like the grandmother should see and hear how her son 5 years instructs his grandson using a DVDrecorder -maybe it is time that allows trust and recognition PowerSeller with over 13,000 feedback only show us what do to earn money?
When you are offering to provide absolutely everything need to ensure success (and even gives money backwarranty) - and what we have to lose ?.... Nothing!
{!} Firstname_fix, if you really want to learn how and start making hundreds a day online - you should check everything John is offering in its place.
Either that, or borrow a 5 year old grandson as someone to have a look for you .... lol
Seriously {!} Firstname_fix, with the right information to all in one place and all products and tools you need to step by step ...... Why You Need to Know if there magic involved?
You can examine the "magical elements" after you're doing enough money to pay for 5 years to run everything for you ....
Well, actually - John shows how to configure everything closelyAutopilot - so it saves you having to worry about!

click this out:   NinetyDayPowerSeller.Com

Build A Niche Store provides you with everything you need to Make Money Online

Follow our proven business blueprint and use our simple website builder and join the many thousands of people who are already making this opportunity work...
Even a 5 year old and 82 year old have successfully used BANS to make extra money online and there's no reason you can't too :)

The BANS Package Comes In 2 Primary Parts:

Part 1: The Build A Niche Store Blueprint

Our foolproof blueprint takes you by the hand and teaches you everything there is to know about making money from affiliate websites.
There are over 100 pages of step-by-step, image rich instructions that will put you on the right track to success from the get go and keep you there as you take action on this opportunity and reap the rewards of a little work ;)
By the end of the 10 step blueprint you'll be a fully accomplished affiliate website builder making money from a network of sites and will know exactly how to expand even further by outsourcing work you may not want to do.

What does the Blueprint Cover?

Step 1: Get Started

Shows You Where The Money Is, Why It's There And The Basics Of How You Make It.
The Best Of Step 1:
* The Rise Of The Search Engines
* Internet Consumer Habits
* The Affiliate Program Opportunity

Step 2: Pick A Market

Shows You How To Choose Markets To Target To Make The Money You Want To Make.
The Best Of Step 2:
* What Is A Niche Market?
* What Are The Requirements?
* How Do You Find Them?

Step 3: Plan Your Website

Shows You How To Research Your Chosen Market And Plan A Money Making Website.
The Best Of Step 3:
* The Importance Of Planning
* What Your Site Needs And Why
* How To Map Out/Research Markets

Step 4: Create Your Content

Shows You Simple Techniques Which Enables The Speedy Production Of Quality Content.
The Best Of Step 4:
* The Purpose Of Your Content
* Your Two "Types" Of Content
* Using Internet Resources

Step 5: Build Your Website

Shows You How To Turn Your Website Plan Into A Real Website That's Ready To Make Money.
The Best Of Step 5:
* The Approach And The Goal
* Templates, Logos, Page Strucutre
* A "Start To Finish" Blueprint

Step 6: Market Your Website

Shows You How To Get People To Your Website And Money Out Of It.
The Best Of Step 6:
* Why Almost NO Marketing Is Necessary
* Why Your Site Will Rank On Its Own
* What You Need To Know About Search Engines

Step 7: Manage Your Website

Shows You How To Minimize Maintenance And Maximize Production Over The Longer Term.
The Best Of Step 7:
* Why Management Is Important
* What Needs To Be Done And Why
* Periodical Reviews And Updates

Step 8: Building Your Next 9 Sites

Shows You How To Quickly And Effectively Go From 1 Money Making Website To A Network Of 10.
The Best Of Step 8:
* Repeating The Process
* Moving Into Outsourcing And Expansion

Step 9: Look Into Outsourcing

Shows You How To Increase Development And Make Much More Money By Hiring Talented People.
The Best Of Step 9:
* Doing Your "First Site Right" Before Expanding
* What "Outsourcing" Costs And What It Makes
* What I Outsource, Why And Where To Find People

Step 10: Bonus - Treat It Like A Business

"Treat It Like A Business" - How To Shoot For 30 To 50 Grand A Month Or Million Dollar Annual Networks.
The Best Of Step 10:
* Getting Above The Guide
* The Need For A Little Faith
* The End Game - 7 Figure Networks

Part 2: The Build A Niche Store Software

Our simple to use software provides you with complete control over eBays entire product inventory and whether you want to build one website or 1,000 sites you receive unlimited personal usage rights to our software so you can keep your investment low and get your profits high :)

What Does The Software Contain?

Part 1: The Website Builder

Take control over eBay's entire 25+ Million product inventory!
Simple to use online admin panel - Easy to install and full of time saving features - SEO Friendly :)
Key Features:
* View Full Feature List
* Creates Search Engine Friendly Websites
* Demo Site:Admin panel login (Username: demo / Password: demo) - this is a live example site and so creation and modification features have been disabled.

Part 2: The Step By Step Manuals

Step-By-Step And Image Rich - Famous For Helping An 82 Year Old And A 5 Year Old Get Their First Site Online.
Key Features:
* 21 Page Installation Manual - Takes You Step-By-Step Through Everything From Registering A Domain Name, Setting Up A Hosting Account And Getting Your First Site Live.
* 67 Page User Manual - Takes You Through Every Single Feature And Function Of The Website Builder So That You Can Get Busy Building Rather Than Struggling :)

Part 3: The 30+ Website Templates

Over 30 Ready To Use "Plug And Play" Themes Plus A BONUS theme worth ($49.95)
Key Features:
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Part 4: The Extensive Knowledgebase

A Huge 3 Year Developed Supporting Knowledgebase Providing "Help On Hand".
Key Features:
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Build More Sites And Make More Money - With Our Unlimited Site License You Can Build 1 or 1,000+ Sites At No Extra Cost!
Key Features:
* Build As Many Sites As You Like In As Many Markets As You Like

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How To Make Money Online

I hope this message finds you well and in good health.
Firstname_fix {!} - Have you started your online business yet?
If not - you really can help.
And by the way - is not "fluff and filler" talk.
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Drop shipping wholesale company

I've been in the drop shipping industry for over 10 years.  I've seen it all.  I went from a part time small fry struggling to make sales, to a full blown online business owner. 
 I've since quit my day job, and am currently raking in six figure profits while barely lifting a finger!

How did I do it?  Read on to find out!

After years of study, intense research, and a lot of trial & error, I've managed to crack the drop shipping code.  I sifted through the junk, and discovered the secret to massive drop shipping profits!

So what does this mean for you?

It means you're in luck.  I've made all the mistakes, and done all the leg work for you so that you can avoid all the wasted time and money, and skip straight to the profit!

Like most people, you'd probably like to achieve financial independence.  In times like these, job security is a thing of the past.  The only surefire way to get the income and security you desire, is to work for yourself.  Drop shipping is a simple, low-cost way to achieve that goal.

Drop shipping offers many benefits, such as:
  • Working from home and choosing your own hours.
  • Unlimited earning potential.
  • Very low startup costs.
  • No need for a warehouse or employees.
  • No need for large, expensive bulk orders.
  • You can operate from anywhere in the world.

Escape 9 to 5 - Live Anywhere!

drop shipping
The Drop Shipping Process

The main advantage here is that you have much lower operating costs and you can sell many items without actually having to pay for them up front. This way you save time and money and can focus all your time on marketing and selling your products. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it’s actually not that easy.

If you’re like most new drop shippers, you probably head straight to the search engine to look for wholesale drop shipping sources. You might pick a supplier from the first page of Google that offers thousands of hot name brand products at "rock bottom wholesale prices". Now you’re ready to make some money!

Unfortunately, you soon after discover that those products are already all over the web and being sold at prices lower than your “wholesale” cost. On top of that, you’re probably paying monthly fees to access the inventory. So what happened here?

You’re dealing with the all too common middleman. There are thousands of these sites perched on the search engines pages waiting to rip you off. They claim to offer all the hottest name brand products; electronics, clothing, you name it.

The fact is, REAL WHOLESALE SUPPLIERS DO NOT ADVERTISE IN SEARCH ENGINES. If they are actively advertising to you, it's because they stand to make a lot of money off of you!

To make a long story short... if you find your wholesale supplier on the first few pages of a search engine, you can be almost certain they are not a legit wholesale source.

Not only that, but you can be absolutely certain that EVERYONE ELSE found your source as well and they are now your competitors.  Head on over to eBay and you'll find thousands of others selling the exact same stuff.

You have absolutely no competitive advantage, and on top of that, you’re not even dealing with a real wholesale source. These products are being marked up heavily by the middleman and killing your profit margins. You’re trying to sell generic, saturated products at high marked up prices. Good luck making money!

A middleman essentially sources products from real wholesalers, marks up the prices, and sells it to you at the new "wholesale" cost.  They bump you down the supply chain a notch and make money off every sale you make.  To top it off, they often charge monthly fees as well.  It's essentially a pyramid scheme.

Stop Getting Scammed

Now lets say you do manage to find a decent wholesale source and you want to start drop shipping their products. How are you going to do it? How are people going to find your products?

You'll probably go to eBay and try your luck there. But you’ll soon find that eBay is completely saturated with competition and they also charge tons of fees to list and sell products. If you’re able to even make a sale, your profit margins will be crushed by all the high fees.

Let's say you actually do make a sale. Nice work! Now it’s time to go to your drop shipper to place the order. Uh oh! The item you just sold is out of stock… What now?

If you're using the same middleman drop shipper as everyone else, the products will go out of stock frequently and without warning.  Now your customer is waiting for their item and you have nothing to ship.
Your buyer gives you negative feedback, eBay finds out, and you're banned from selling!

This story is all too common. It has given drop shipping a bad name all over the web.

But don't give up.  The good news is that you CAN make A LOT of money drop shipping, and many people do!

The breakthrough of drop shipping has made it possible for those with even the smallest startup budget to make big profits online. Unfortunately, it has also created an entire industry of scammers that are just waiting to prey on new drop shippers.

This is why I've decided to release Drop Shipping 4 IdiotsTM to the public.  Drop shipping can be a highly profitable and simple business... if you know what to do.

Here's a sample of what you'll discover inside Drop Shipping 4 

  Exactly why most drop shipping businesses fail, and what you can do to avoid making the same mistakes.
Insider product sourcing secrets that can get you the profit margins you need to succeed!
All the software you need to get up and running, right now!
Unbiased reviews of all the most popular drop shipping programs from industry professionals.
Over a dozen high traffic places where you can list and sell your products, totally free!
How to generate massive traffic and sales from Google!
Step by step instructions on how to build your own online store fast without any programming experience.
How to successfully sell online, even on eBay!
How to get around the dreaded "out of stock" issue.
Top secret eCommerce marketing methods that will get your products in front of thousands of customers fast!
How to demolish your competitors, including the major retailers.
How to accept credit cards without all the expensive monthly fees.
Over 300 unique and legitimate drop shipping suppliers that have products your customers want to buy!
Plus a lot more!

You can't afford NOT to read this guide.  Consider this your detailed business plan for a lucrative, hands-free online business that can give you the financial and personal freedom you've been hoping for.

Not only that, but I've made this program simple enough that even the least technically savvy people can succeed. It's literally idiot proof!

If you decide to go into the drop shipping industry on your own, the sharks will eat you alive.  It's almost guaranteed.  Without help, a small online business owner can almost never succeed among the enormous competition from the major retailers and endless supply of eBay sellers and other merchants.

You Can NOT Do This Alone

Most new drop shippers fall into the same common pitfalls.  They are fooled into buying cookie cutter websites or sourcing products from middlemen or multi-level marketing companies.

Others may find a quality drop shipping supplier, but lack the knowledge required to actually get traffic and customers in front of their products.  Many seem to think that just being online is enough to get noticed, but are sorely disappointed once they launch and nobody knows they exist.

Which brings me to my next point:

If you do manage to find a legit drop shipping supplier (which is rare), how are you going to get your products in front of customers?

drop shipping The concept of selling online sounds easy enough. You post products for sale on a website, people buy them, you make money. Easy, right? Unfortunately, it’s not nearly that easy.

Popular websites like eBay are saturated with sellers and products. Everybody tries to sell on eBay, but most of them fail miserably. If they’re even able to make sales, they lose most of their profit margin paying all the high fees that they charge. eBay and drop shipping are simply not a great combination in most cases.

Other people may want to build their own online store, but think that it’s too difficult or expensive. They don’t know how to make a website, and they don’t want to pay thousands of dollars for someone else to do it for them. Some of them will end up buying a turnkey cookie cutter site that will inevitably fail. The rest will just give up and move on to the next thing.

Let's suppose you're the tech savvy type and you're able to get your eCommerce store up and running. Why would anyone ever buy from you?  Why wouldn't they just go to Walmart instead?

This is another one of the primary reasons that most new drop shippers fail.  They go in without ever considering how or why a customer would buy from them.

I'll show you exactly how to get your products out there, and how to dominate your competitors, including the major retailers.

You'll learn about tons of high traffic places where you can list and sell your merchandise without paying a dime! That means you get to keep all the profits to yourself!

I'll also show you some simple loopholes that will get you loads of traffic and sales from Google and other search engines absolutely free!
You can't find this information anywhere else, guaranteed.

Drop Shipping 4 IdiotsTM shows you how to get your business and products in front of millions of hungry buyers fast! After all, the best website in the world won't make money if nobody sees it.

click this out:  DropShipping4Idiots.Com